Hacker News with Generative AI: Biohacking

The marketing genius of Bryan Johnson (petecodes.io)
Bryan Johnson has grabbed the world's attention with his Don't Die lifestyle.
Ask HN: A friend has brain cancer: any bio hacks that worked? (ycombinator.com)
A friend recently got diagnosed with stage 4 GBM. It's the 4th person I know who has it, and it's getting old, so I want to help, bio-hacking style.
My Experience Biohacking (vale.rocks)
Biohacking is a term that has unfortunately become entangled with tabloid tips, TikTok health trends, and pseudo’science’. However, beneath this surface noise exists dedicated communities exploring the frontiers of human enhancement through do-it-yourself cybernetics, biochemistry, and body modifications. Communities driven by interests in transhumanism and an alignment with the hacker ethos that push boundaries in ways that extend far beyond the conventional ear piercing.
Bryan Johnson – The World's Most Expensive Eating Disorder (desmolysium.com)
In my early twenties, I had a two-year-long period during which my body fat was ultra-low (4.8% on the only DEXA scan I had done during that time). I became very obsessive and tolerated an unbelievable amount of self-torture to reach my goals. I also developed very weird eating habits and was rigid about my meal timing – I could not stand breaking my fasts by even a few minutes.
Yesterday, I plugged this guy into my laptop and sequenced a genome in 24 hours (reddit.com)
In the 90s, Human Genome Project cost billions of dollars and took over 10 years. Yesterday, I plugged this guy into my laptop and sequenced a genome in 24 hours.
Beyond longevity: The DIY quest to cheat death and stop aging (inverse.com)
The civil war in the biohacking movement (unherd.com)