Hacker News with Generative AI: Gender Studies

Physical attractiveness outweighs intelligence in partner selection (psypost.org)
Women and their parents report that intelligence is more important than physical attractiveness in a long-term partner, yet when forced to choose, they both favor a more attractive mate—even when the less attractive option is described as more intelligent.
So Many Unmarried Men (aeon.co)
In the 1950s, the philosopher Mary Midgley did something that, according to philosophical orthodoxy, she wasn’t supposed to do. In a BBC radio script for the Third Programme (the precursor of BBC Radio 3), she dared to point out that almost all the canonical figures in philosophy’s history had been unmarried men.
Revisiting Sex and Gender in the Brain (thetransmitter.org)
To understand how to study the influence of sex and gender in the brain in not only a scientifically accurate but socially responsible manner, we need to think of “sex” as a complex, multifactorial and context-dependent variable.
Ancient genomes reveal an Iron Age society centred on women (tcd.ie)
An international team of geneticists, led by those from Trinity, has joined forces with archaeologists from Bournemouth University to decipher the structure of British Iron Age society, finding evidence of female political and social empowerment.
Is God a Silverback? Protective, omnipotent, scary and very territorial. (aeon.co)
Protective, omnipotent, scary and very territorial. The monotheistic God is modelled on a harem-keeping alpha male
Bless'er heart–Gossip phrased with concern gives advantage in female competition (sciencedirect.com)
Although many women report being victimized by gossip, fewer report spreading negative gossip.