Hacker News with Generative AI: Whistleblower

How to Make Millions as a Professional Whistleblower (gq.com)
It’s a Saturday in a well-appointed room in a luxury hotel in a major American city and a man named Richard Overum has just escorted me from the lobby to brief me on my new identity.
Whistleblower who warned about Florida state parks fired by state agency (tampabay.com)
Fermilab is 'doomed' without management overhaul claims whistleblower report (physicsworld.com)
New Whistleblower Files FAA and OSHA Complaints Against Boeing and Spirit (katzbanks.com)
I discovered my employer was dumping toxic waste from their secret fab (twitter.com)
Whistle­blow­er who accused Boeing supplier of ignoring defects dies (aljazeera.com)
Boeing whistleblower says 787 fleet should be grounded (thehill.com)