FAA data shows 30 near-misses at Reagan Airport(npr.org) When pilots report near-midair collisions around Reagan National Airport, there's often a military aircraft involved, an NPR analysis of Federal Aviation Administration data shows.
Missiles are now the biggest killer of airline passengers(wsj.com) Jetliners being accidentally blasted out of the sky has become the leading cause of commercial-aviation deaths over recent years, marking a new trend running counter to an otherwise improving safety picture.
NTSB Issues Urgent Safety Recommendations on Boeing 737 Rudder System(ntsb.gov:443) The National Transportation Safety Board Thursday issued urgent safety recommendations to The Boeing Company and the Federal Aviation Administration in response to the potential for a jammed or restricted rudder control system on some 737 airplanes.
41 points by danboarder 145 days ago | 29 comments
NTSB Issues Urgent Safety Recommendations on Boeing 737 Rudder System(ntsb.gov:443) The National Transportation Safety Board Thursday issued urgent safety recommendations to The Boeing Company and the Federal Aviation Administration in response to the potential for a jammed or restricted rudder control system on some 737 airplanes.