Hacker News with Generative AI: Wellbeing

School phone bans do not improve grades or wellbeing, says UK study (theguardian.com)
Banning smartphones at school does not by itself improve academic grades and children’s wellbeing, a study suggests.
Effects of cold-water immersion on health and wellbeing: A systematic review (plos.org)
The Japanese word ikigai refers to a passion that gives joy to life (2022) (japan.go.jp)
The Japanese word ikigai, which has recently gained attention worldwide and enjoys widespread use, refers to a passion that gives value and joy to life. The author who prompted its craze speaks about the word’s appeal and the effects it has on mental and physical health.
LoFone is the antidote to smartphone addiction (lo-fone.com)
Adults and teens turn to 'dumbphones' to cut screen time (bbc.com)
Internet use associated with higher wellbeing, finds new global Oxford study (ox.ac.uk)
Employing Others Is Linked to Wealth and Wellbeing (gallup.com)