Hacker News with Generative AI: Waste Management

Garbage in Japan (craigmod.com)
A funny thing happens when a Snickers bar goes from whole to eaten — the wrapper transmorgifies from useful to toxic. Suddenly, this thing that was keeping germs and dirt off your chocolate sugar log is now “useless” and with this comes the heaviest burden a modern person unencumbered by genocide or famine can hold: garbage responsibility.
Thailand bans imports of plastic waste (nationthailand.com)
Importers in Thailand will not be allowed to bring plastic waste into the kingdom from January 1, 2025 as the country moves to prevent hazards to the environment and public health, the Department of Foreign Trade announced on Tuesday.
Cups tossed in recycling bins at Starbucks tracked to incinerators and landfill (cbsnews.com)
Advances in Biorefinery of Cattle Manure for Value-Added Products (mdpi.com)
A large amount of cattle manure is generated in the US every year, creating challenges for ecosystem sustainability while offering opportunities for value-added products through biorefinery.
Pyrolysis technology for plastic waste recycling: a review (sciencedirect.com)
The Engineering of Landfills (practical.engineering)
North Korean balloons have dropped tonnes of waste on the South (reuters.com)
Chinese drones will fly trash out of Everest slopes (kathmandupost.com)
Scientists genetically engineer fly species to eat more of humanity's waste (theguardian.com)
Pennsylvania's oil industry dumped waste across the state (grist.org)
The Future of Trash [pdf] (2023) (cityofnewyork.us)
Some landfill 'burps' contain airborne PFAS, study finds (phys.org)
The brain makes a lot of waste. Now scientists think they know where it goes (npr.org)
Up to 78M batteries will be discarded daily by 2025, researchers warn (europa.eu)
Recycling plastic is a dangerous waste of time (quillette.com)
Don't waste your time recycling plastic (washingtonpost.com)