Hacker News with Generative AI: Environmental Policy

Norway set to become first country to transition to electric vehicles (cnbc.com)
Bloomberg Announces Effort to Ensure U.S. Honors Paris Agreement Commitments (bloomberg.org)
Following the United States’ second withdrawal, Bloomberg Philanthropies and others will ensure the nation’s funding and reporting obligations to the UN Climate Change Secretariat are met
Vehicle Standards Rollback Bad for Drivers, Auto Industry, Anything Breathing (ucsusa.org)
Decades of government vehicle standards to improve vehicle efficiency and cut down on tailpipe pollution have saved car and truck drivers trillions of dollars at the pump, saved countless lives from reduced exposure to toxic air pollution, and avoided the extraction and burning of billions of barrels of oil.
Natrium 'advanced nuclear' power plant wins Wyoming permit (wyofile.com)
The Wyoming Industrial Siting Council has granted a construction permit to TerraPower for its Natrium nuclear power plant near Kemmerer — a milestone achievement both in Wyoming and nationwide for commercial-scale “advanced nuclear” energy, the company says.
China reduced sulphur dioxide emissions by more than two-thirds in past 15 years (ourworldindata.org)
China has dramatically reduced local air pollution levels — particularly in its biggest cities — in the last decade.
China must now lead global warming fight, UN climate chief says (politico.eu)
China must step up and help lead the fight against climate change, starting with a strong new climate target, the United Nations’ top climate official said Friday.
UK Government Announces Ban on New Coal Mines (barrons.com)
The UK announced Thursday that it will introduce legislation to ban new coal mines, as the Labour government ramps up its plans to make Britain a clean energy leader.
USFS decision to halt prescribed burns in California is history repeating (cepr.net)
Last week, the US Forest Service announced it would stop prescribed burning in California “for the foreseeable future,” stating that the decision was made as a precautionary measure to ensure the availability of staff and equipment in case of potential wildfires.
Wild animals are spiraling to extinction. Can a bunch of bureaucrats save them? (vox.com)
Starting this week, thousands of people will descend on the Colombian city of Cali for an important meeting you may have never heard of: COP16.
96% of climate policy since 1998 failed (ox.ac.uk)
An international research team has unveiled the first comprehensive global evaluation of 1,500 climate policy measures from 41 countries across six continents, between 1998 and 2022.
California Bans All Plastic Bags After Its First Effort Backfired (nytimes.com)
California Bans All Plastic Bags After Its First Effort Backfired
California law bans all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores (apnews.com)
“Paper or plastic” will no longer be a choice at grocery store checkout lines in California under a new law signed Sunday by Gov. Gavin Newsom that bans all plastic shopping bags.
Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions (science.org)
The White House Has a Plan to Slash Plastic Use in the U.S. (nytimes.com)
California to impose permanent water restrictions on cities and towns (ktla.com)
To save spotted owls, US officials will kill hundreds of thousands of other owls (apnews.com)
US Forest Service proposes protections for old-growth trees, without logging ban (opb.org)
Edinburgh, Scotland makes it illegal to advertise SUVs (washingtonpost.com)