Hacker News with Generative AI: Power

Coal's Last Stand? U.S. Power Plants Face a Mass Exodus in 2025 (oilprice.com)
The American coal industry, once the backbone of the nation’s electricity grid, is facing a reckoning in 2025.
Broligarchy does not build civilization (ghost.io)
With the new administration taking over in USA, we will see success, improvements and positive change. We will also experience further polarization and division in society. We used to say with great power comes great responsibility. Now the saying will be “with great power comes greater power”. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Ask HN: Why is too much power accumulated in the president? (ycombinator.com)
The US a day ago is going to be totally different from the US a day from now.
Consumer-grade routers on puny power supplies (2024) (apnic.net)
Around a decade ago, I proudly joined the — then still small — ranks of people in New Zealand with a solar photovoltaics system on their roof.
What are the checks and balances on the power of Elon Musk? (noahpinion.blog)
The U.S. political system was designed by its founders to have a system of checks and balances, so that no individual or institution would have absolute power. But that system was designed with only government leaders and government institutions in mind — although the founders did worry about private individuals controlling the government, this wasn’t their prime focus, and they ultimately ended up declining to put institutions in place specifically to guard against economic power.
This is Where the data to build AI comes from (technologyreview.com)
New findings show how the sources of data are concentrating power in the hands of the most powerful tech companies.
Why the powerful may be more likely to cheat (phys.org)
Being a captain of industry, a politician, or a celebrity won't automatically make you a cheat. But chances of infidelity are significantly higher among the more powerful, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Sex Research.
Prediction-Nuclear Pwr Will Be > 30% of New Installed Capacity in 10 Years in US (2-5-10.com)
In 2024 the % of new power coming online is 98% renewable.
Posting Is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe (2023) (infinitescroll.us)
Over the course of several months in 2022, Jack Teixeira threw his life away.
Talcott Parsons Theory of Power (triumphias.com)
Parsons regards power as something possessed by society as a whole. As such power is a generalized facility of resources in the society. It is the capacity to mobilize the resources of the society for the attainment of goals for which a general public commitment has been made.
Sam Altman is becoming one of the most powerful people on Earth. Be afraid (theguardian.com)
The Secret Battle for the Future of the Murdoch Empire (nytimes.com)
What Rupert Murdoch Owns, and How He Built His Media Empire (nytimes.com)
How a Network of Tech Billionaires Helped J.D. Vance Leap into Power (nytimes.com)
What the decentralized nature of Anonymous tells us about its power (lithub.com)
Overthrowing Our Tech Overlords (noemamag.com)
Calculating Empires: A Genealogy of Technology and Power Since 1500 (calculatingempires.net)
'Encryption is deeply threatening to power': Meredith Whittaker of Signal (theguardian.com)
Encryption is deeply threatening to power: Meredith Whittaker of Signal app (theguardian.com)
Solar Passes 100% of Power Demand in California [Updated] (cleantechnica.com)
No One Should Have That Much Power (mnot.net)
Is it okay to daisy chain a UPS? (eaton.com)
Intro to "Ideologies of AI and the consolidation of power": Naming power (firstmonday.org)
92 out of the top 500 Reddit subs are controlled by just 4 people (twitter.com)