Hacker News with Generative AI: Human Interest

Hermit guardian of Budelli dies after three decades on paradise island (theguardian.com)
Mauro Morandi, an Italian man nicknamed “Robinson Crusoe” by the media after living alone on a paradise island for more than three decades, has died at the age of 85.
Hermit guardian of Budelli dies after three decades on paradise island (theguardian.com)
Mauro Morandi, an Italian man nicknamed “Robinson Crusoe” by the media after living alone on a paradise island for more than three decades, has died at the age of 85.
A pilot raced through the airport to surprise the woman who saved his life (cnn.com)
Ugandan runner due to arrive in London after 516 days, 7,700 miles on the road (theguardian.com)
A Ugandan athlete who arrives in London this weekend after running 7,730 miles (12,440km) from South Africa to raise awareness about racism has revealed he suffered repeated abuse on reaching Europe.
A new start after 60: I became a 'hummingbird' for people with dementia (theguardian.com)
At 63, Ann Thomas-Carter stepped into Framland care home for the first time and was immediately taken aback. “It wasn’t like a care home at all; it was this beautiful old manor house overlooking the Oxfordshire countryside and there were only 21 residents,” she says. “It felt like a big family, especially since everyone calls the residents ‘family members’. I fitted in right away.”
500 Million, But Not a Single One More (laneless.substack.com)
We will never know their names.
Michel Siffre Has Died (wikipedia.org)
The Last Survivors Speak. It's Time to Listen (nytimes.com)
Stuck at sea for years, a sailor's plight highlights a surge in ship abandonment (apnews.com)
Krista and Tatiana Hogan (wikipedia.org)
Conjoined twins who refused to be 'fixed' (theatlantic.com)