Hacker News with Generative AI: Endurance

Women are closing in on men when it comes to ultra-endurance events (medicalxpress.com)
Men are dominant at most athletic events but ultra-endurance sports (exercising for six hours or more) represent a unique domain where the performance gap between men and women is narrowing significantly.
Ugandan runner due to arrive in London after 516 days, 7,700 miles on the road (theguardian.com)
A Ugandan athlete who arrives in London this weekend after running 7,730 miles (12,440km) from South Africa to raise awareness about racism has revealed he suffered repeated abuse on reaching Europe.
18,000 Miles Later, an American Woman Has Cycled the World (nytimes.com)
It took Lael Wilcox 108 days to circumnavigate the globe. Improbably, she said it was “the most fun ride of my life.”
Man versus Horse Marathon (wikipedia.org)