Hacker News with Generative AI: Graph Databases

Sortledton: A Universal, Transactional Graph Data Structure [pdf] (vldb.org)
Graph Retrieval Using Postgres Recursive CTEs (sheshbabu.com)
Did you know you can use Postgres as a graph database for certain usecases?
Graph Databases for Crime-Fighting: How Memgraph Maps and Analyzes Criminal (memgraph.com)
Graph databases, such as Memgraph, are highly effective in crime-fighting and intelligence work because they excel at uncovering and analyzing relationships between entities, such as individuals, communication channels, and locations. In counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence operations, graph databases are often used to map out and analyze complex networks of individuals and their associations.
Is anyone deploying GraphRAG in prod? (ycombinator.com)
I've been seeing a lot of buzz around GraphRAG and its potential, but many implementations seem to encounter issues, often with Neo4j. Has anyone managed to set up a reliable and cost-effective GraphRAG system in production? I'm curious about real-world experiences and practical solutions.
Achieving the perfect golden record with graph data (aerospike.com)
Ask HN: What is the best software to visualize a graph with a billion nodes? (ycombinator.com)
RAGFlow: Modern Agentic RAG Based on Graph (ragflow.io)
Show HN: Reagent – graph based framework for building AI agent with UI (github.com/reagentai)
ScrapeGraphAI: Web scraping using LLM and direct graph logic (onrender.com)
GraphRAG with LangChain and Neo4j (medium.com)
Long-Term, Personalized Memory for AI Agents Using Graph DBs (streamlit.io)
Memgraph's Deep Path Traversal Capabilities (memgraph.com)
GQL: A New ISO Standard in Graph Query Language (tigergraph.com)
Show HN: CloudCruise (YC W24) – Graph-Based Workflow Builder for Web Agents (cloudcruise.com)