Hacker News with Generative AI: Essays

I'm Ready for You: On Balzac (lrb.co.uk)
2024 general essay questions for Oxford 'All Souls' scholarship [pdf] (ox.ac.uk)
Joan Didion on Los Angeles Real Estate, and Ignoring the Big One (1989) (newyorker.com)
Why I Am Not Going to Buy a Computer [pdf] (2000) (matthewjbrown.net)
The essays of Michel de Montaigne online (hyperessays.net)
HyperEssays is a project to create a modern and accessible online edition of the Essays of Michel de Montaigne.
Collections: On Bread and Circuses (acoup.blog)
Here at the End of All Things (2017) (longreads.com)
Show HN: Paul Graham Essays but Better UX (paulgraham.blog)
The Long Road to End Tuberculosis (asimov.press)
This essay by Kamal Nahas concludes Issue 04 of Asimov Press.
Small Is Beautiful (wikipedia.org)
Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered is a collection of essays published in 1973 by German-born British economist E. F. Schumacher.
A Misreading Of Yoda (gregorypellechi.com)
This essay will be finished.
The Recovery of Case (2016) (inference-review.com)
It is April 1977. Noam Chomsky and Howard Lasnik are about to publish an important essay in linguistics.1 Having seen and studied the preprint of “Filters and Control,” Jean-Roger Vergnaud wrote to its authors.2 He had “some ideas to communicate.” Chomsky and Lasnik were unable to incorporate those ideas in their essay. Time was short; the mail, slow. They did something better. They incorporated them into their work.
An Introvert's Field Guide to Friendship: Thoreau on Candid Connection (themarginalian.org)
Friendship is the sunshine of life — the quiet radiance that makes our lives not only livable but worth living.
Ask HN: What are some essays that profoundly changed the way you think (ycombinator.com)
No specific themes here, I'm curious to read about things that changed your mind!
Founder Mode Is Design Mode (insideorchard.com)
Paul Graham, of Y Combinator notoriety, made waves this week with his latest essay.
Founder Mode (paulgraham.com)
Essays: NSA Surveillance: A Guide to Staying Secure – Schneier on Security (schneier.com)
Infinite Proofs: The Effects of Mathematics on David Foster Wallace (2012) (lareviewofbooks.org)
The Private Life: On James Baldwin (theparisreview.org)
A Mathematician's Lament [pdf] (worrydream.com)
E.B. White's Beautiful Letter to a Man Who Had Lost Faith in Humanity (themarginalian.org)
Modern racism rests on scientific theories from the 19th century Essays (aeon.co)
The Submarine (2005) (paulgraham.com)
To Be Real: On Emily Nussbaum’s “Cue the Sun” (lareviewofbooks.org)
Paper Trails (aeon.co)
Succinctness Is Power (2002) (paulgraham.com)
Parable of the Sofa (tbray.org)
Essays on programming I think about a lot (benkuhn.net)
The Strangeness of Grief (2019) (newyorker.com)
In Praise of Idleness (1932) (harpers.org)