Hacker News with Generative AI: Cardiovascular Health

The cardiovascular benefits of taurine: a systematic review and meta-analysis (biomedcentral.com)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the foremost cause of mortality globally.
The case for clinical trial abundance (ifp.org)
In 2014, the first SGLT2 inhibitor, dapagliflozin, was approved for patients with Type II diabetes for the control of blood glucose levels. Since then, the list of indications for this class of molecules has expanded to include kidney disease (2021) and heart failure (2020) in non-diabetics, both important sources of morbidity and mortality. Despite being an already developed drug with safety data, these repurposings took seven and six years, respectively.
Sleep regularity and major adverse cardiovascular events (jech.bmj.com)
This study examines the associations between device-measured sleep regularity and the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), and aims to determine whether sufficient sleep duration attenuates or eliminates the effects of irregular sleep on MACE risk.
Intake of Aspirin After Chest Pain for Prevention of Cardiovascular Mortality (ahajournals.org)
Cardiovascular health and cancer risk associated with plant based diets (plos.org)
Cardio fitness is a strong, consistent predictor of morbidity and mortality (bjsm.bmj.com)