Hacker News with Generative AI: Unix

1972 Unix V2 "Beta" Resurrected (tuhs.org)
Hi everyone, First-time poster here. Near the end of last year, I did some forensic analysis on the DMR tapes (https://www.tuhs.org/Archive/Applications/Dennis_Tapes) and had some fun playing around with them. Warren forwarded a few of my emails to this list at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, but it was never my intention for him to be my messenger, so I'm posting here myself now.
Schemesh: Fusion between Unix shell and Lisp REPL (github.com/cosmos72)
Schemesh is an interactive shell scriptable in Lisp.
Show HN: Mapping the Unix Magic Poster – An Interactive Annotation Project (drio.github.io)
The su command (short for “substitute user” or “switch user”) is used to start a shell under a different user account. Typically, one of the most common uses of su is switching to the superuser (root) account to gain administrative privileges.
Douglas McIlroy responds to Unix spell article with new implementation details (twitter.com)
Fiwix: Small Unix-Like Kernel (fiwix.org)
Fiwix is an operating system kernel written from scratch, based on the UNIX architecture and fully focused on being POSIX compatible.
The practical (Unix) problems with .cache and its friends (utoronto.ca)
Origins of Common Unix Programs (darwinsys.com)
This is my attempt to show where key parts of the Unix/Linux command hierarchy came from.
The surprising struggle to get a Unix Epoch time from a UTC string in C or C++ (berthub.eu)
So how hard could it be. As input we have something like Fri, 17 Jan 2025 06:07:07 in UTC, and we’d like to turn this into 1737094027, the notional (but not actual) number of seconds that have passed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
The history and use of /etc/glob in early Unixes (utoronto.ca)
One of the innovations that the V7 Bourne shell introduced was built in shell wildcard globbing, which is to say expanding things like *, ?, and so on.
lc: List files in categories (and columns) – from Coherent Unix clone (github.com/gdm85)
This is a port of 'lc' (List files in categories and columns) from MWC (Mark Williams Company) Coherent UNIX.
/bin/sh: the biggest Unix security loophole (1984) [pdf] (tuhs.org)
Seconds Since the Epoch (aphyr.com)
This is not at all news, but it comes up often enough that I think there should be a concise explanation of the problem. People, myself included, like to say that POSIX time, also known as Unix time, is the number of seconds since the Unix epoch, which was 1970-01-01 at 00:00:00.
Biggest shell programs (github.com/oils-for-unix)
Unix Review Magazine Interviews Larry Tesler (computeradsfromthepast.substack.com)
The worst problems occur when people walk into their office and—without warning—find technology they never asked for.
When was the famous "sudo warning" introduced? (2019) (stackexchange.com)
On all Unix-like operating systems, sudo is often provided as the standard package for executing commands as superuser (or an alternative user). When sudo is invoked by the user for the first time, many systems print the following well-known "Sudo Warning":
Disillusioning the Magic of the Fork System Call (codingconfessions.com)
Unix-like operating systems famously use the fork system call for creating a new process. The way this system call works in the user code can be quite bewildering when you first learn about it.
Disillusioning the Magic of the Fork System Call (codingconfessions.com)
Unix-like operating systems famously use the fork system call for creating a new process.
Pipe Viewer – A Unix Utility You Should Know About (catonmat.net)
Hi all! I'm starting a new article series here. This one is going to be about Unix utilities that you should know about. The articles will discuss one Unix program at a time. I'll try to write a good introduction to the tool and give as many examples as I can think of.
Undergrad thought he had mastered Unix in weeks. Then he discovered rm -rf (theregister.com)
Miles’ version of the .logout file included the notoriously dangerous rm -rf ~* command, which erases everything it can find in a user’s home directory.
S/Sed/Ed (aartaka.me)
This post starts with holding a grudge: Posix regular expressions are extremely hard to get wrong? Uh... Have you really written any? Sounds like you might not really know either Posix or PCRE. u/bigmell in reply to 5 (Wrong) Regex To Parse Parentheses
Brian Kernighan Reflects on Unix: A History and a Memoir [video] (youtube.com)
Lynis – Security auditing and hardening tool, for Unix-based systems (github.com/CISOfy)
Lynis - Security auditing and hardening tool, for UNIX-based systems.
Unix Programmer's Manual Third Edition [pdf] (1973) (dspinellis.github.io)
The history of Unix's ioctl and signal about window sizes (utoronto.ca)
One of the somewhat obscure features of Unix is that the kernel has a specific interface to get (and set) the 'window size' of your terminal, and can also send a Unix signal to your process when that size changes.
Unix core utilities implemented in Haskell (github.com/Gandalf-)
Unix core utilities implemented in Haskell.
Against /tmp (dotat.at)
I commented on Lobsters that /tmp is usually a bad idea, which caused some surprise. I suppose /tmp security bugs were common in the 1990s when I was learning Unix, but they are pretty rare now so I can see why less grizzled hackers might not be familiar with the problems.
The useful use of cat (mrmr.io)
Some people insist that we should never use a cat.
bc Is the Only Calculator You Need in Unix (medium.com)
bc, for basic calculator, is an arbitrary-precision calculator language with syntax similar to the C programming language. In this post, we will explore the features of bc and how to use it.
Unix for Poets: Basic NLP Tasks Using Unix Tools (medium.com)
Often, we become so captivated by complexity and sophistication that we overlook the profound effectiveness of simple, fundamental methods.
We Should Teach Students Unix, or the Power of Pipes (atthis.link)
Teaching the command-line is increasingly eschewed for all-in-one IDEs and web platforms. For long-term transferable skills, we should revisit UNIX in Computing curriculums.