Hacker News with Generative AI: Workflows

What Is Your RAM Usage on macOS? Share Your Workflow and Use Case (ycombinator.com)
I'm trying to understand the memory requirements for different workflows on macOS.
Everyone is wrong about that Slack flowchart (sophiebits.com)
Building software is hard. Oftentimes things that seem like they should be simple end up being way more complicated when you get into the details. (OK, maybe this isn’t specific to software.)
Ask HN: How do you sync ongoing browser work between desktop and laptop? (ycombinator.com)
For a long time now, I have both a Work Desktop and a Work/Personal Laptop (both are company issued, but I have full control over both of them). The laptop runs macOS, the Desktop runs Linux (I can install whatever). Also, I'm mostly doing DevOps these days.
Ask HN: LLM workflows to avoid copying and pasting from the web interfaces? (ycombinator.com)