Hacker News with Generative AI: Filesystems

Show HN: Ratarmount 1.0.0 – Rapid access to large archives via a FUSE filesystem (github.com/mxmlnkn)
Ratarmount collects all file positions inside a TAR so that it can easily jump to and read from any file without extracting it.
Ask HN: What are some good papers and textbooks about modern filesystems? (ycombinator.com)
I'm interested to learn about modern high-performance filesystems. Are there some good papers and textbooks that I should read? I'm interested in everything below the filesystem abstraction down to, and including, the physical storage.
FreeBSD Journal 2024/07-08 – Storage and Filesystems (freebsdfoundation.org)
The File Filesystem (2021) (mgree.github.io)