Twenty Questions with a Random Liar( I have another new arXiv preprint: “Computational geometry with probabilistically noisy primitive operations”, arXiv:2501.07707, with Mike Goodrich and his student Vinesh Sridhar. Many computational geometry algorithms are designed around the use of primitives, subroutines that access the coordinate data of the input and convert it into combinatorial information, with the assumption that all access to the input goes through these primitives.
16 points by 082349872349872 35 days ago | 3 comments
Let's talk about AI and end-to-end encryption( Recently I came across a fantastic new paper by a group of NYU and Cornell researchers entitled “How to think about end-to-end encryption and AI.” I’m extremely grateful to see this paper, because while I don’t agree with every one of it’s conclusions, it’s a good first stab at an incredibly important set of questions.
In Search of a Faster SQLite( SQLite is already fast. But can we make it even faster? Researchers at the University of Helsinki and Cambridge began with this question and published a paper, “Serverless Runtime / Database Co-Design With Asynchronous I/O”. They demonstrate up to a 100x reduction in tail latency. These are my notes on the paper.
In Search of a Faster SQLite( SQLite is already fast. But can we make it even faster? Researchers at the University of Helsinki and Cambridge began with this question and published a paper, “Serverless Runtime / Database Co-Design With Asynchronous I/O”. They demonstrate up to a 100x reduction in tail latency. These are my notes on the paper.
The Universal Relation( I took a databases class last year. In it, we learned about some theory and some practice and one of the most oft-cited papers was “On the Universal Relation” (1979) by Marc H. Graham (“MH Graham” on Google Scholar) at the University of Toronto. It’s apparently a classic. It’s got some foundational work in databases. It’s also nowhere to be found online, and local libraries did not have it. Everybody cites it… has anybody read it?