Hacker News with Generative AI: Research Papers

Let's talk about AI and end-to-end encryption (cryptographyengineering.com)
Recently I came across a fantastic new paper by a group of NYU and Cornell researchers entitled “How to think about end-to-end encryption and AI.” I’m extremely grateful to see this paper, because while I don’t agree with every one of it’s conclusions, it’s a good first stab at an incredibly important set of questions.
Collusion through Common Leadership [pdf] (law.northwestern.edu)
Agents, Google's whitepaper on the basics of LLM agents (drive.google.com)
DeepSeek-v3 Technical Report [pdf] (github.com/deepseek-ai)
A curated list of papers for Software Engineers (github.com/facundoolano)
📚 A curated list of papers for Software Engineers
In Search of a Faster SQLite (avi.im)
SQLite is already fast. But can we make it even faster? Researchers at the University of Helsinki and Cambridge began with this question and published a paper, “Serverless Runtime / Database Co-Design With Asynchronous I/O”. They demonstrate up to a 100x reduction in tail latency. These are my notes on the paper.
In Search of a Faster SQLite (avi.im)
SQLite is already fast. But can we make it even faster? Researchers at the University of Helsinki and Cambridge began with this question and published a paper, “Serverless Runtime / Database Co-Design With Asynchronous I/O”. They demonstrate up to a 100x reduction in tail latency. These are my notes on the paper.
Information Batteries (2021) [pdf] (raghavan.usc.edu)
The logic theory machine, A. Newell, H. Simon (1956) (ieee.org)
Food Colorants Before Aniline Dyes (1991) [pdf] (scs.illinois.edu)
The Universal Relation (bernsteinbear.com)
I took a databases class last year. In it, we learned about some theory and some practice and one of the most oft-cited papers was “On the Universal Relation” (1979) by Marc H. Graham (“MH Graham” on Google Scholar) at the University of Toronto. It’s apparently a classic. It’s got some foundational work in databases. It’s also nowhere to be found online, and local libraries did not have it. Everybody cites it… has anybody read it?
Dolphin Swimming – A Review (1991) [pdf] (ist.psu.edu)
"Now What?" by John Hopfield (2018) [pdf] (pni.princeton.edu)
Ask HN: What are some good papers and textbooks about modern filesystems? (ycombinator.com)
I'm interested to learn about modern high-performance filesystems. Are there some good papers and textbooks that I should read? I'm interested in everything below the filesystem abstraction down to, and including, the physical storage.
Debugging operating systems with time-traveling virtual machines (2005) [pdf] (usenix.org)
SQL/SE Query Language Extension for Schema Evolution (1992) [pdf] (dl.acm.org)
Little Languages (1986) [pdf] (um.edu.mt)
What goes around comes around and around [pdf] (cs.cmu.edu)
Whitney Stratifications and Intersection Homology (2023) [pdf] (ethz.ch)
Page Dewarping (2016) (mzucker.github.io)
Evaluating Eye Tracking Systems for Computer Input (2012) (yorku.ca)
Sioyek is a PDF viewer with a focus on textbooks and research papers (github.com/ahrm)
Civic Honesty Around the Globe (2019) [pdf] (davetannenbaum.github.io)
Folding and One Straight Cut Suffice [pdf] (1999) (imsc.res.in)
The formation and revision of intuitions (2023) [pdf] (stat.columbia.edu)
Eight Transaction Papers by Jim Gray (arxiv.org)
Autonomous LLM agents with human-out-of-loop (arxiv.org)