The Universal Relation
I took a databases class last year. In it, we learned about some theory and some practice and one of the most oft-cited papers was “On the Universal Relation” (1979) by Marc H. Graham (“MH Graham” on Google Scholar) at the University of Toronto. It’s apparently a classic. It’s got some foundational work in databases. It’s also nowhere to be found online, and local libraries did not have it. Everybody cites it… has anybody read it?
I took a databases class last year. In it, we learned about some theory and some practice and one of the most oft-cited papers was “On the Universal Relation” (1979) by Marc H. Graham (“MH Graham” on Google Scholar) at the University of Toronto. It’s apparently a classic. It’s got some foundational work in databases. It’s also nowhere to be found online, and local libraries did not have it. Everybody cites it… has anybody read it?
Ask HN: What are some good papers and textbooks about modern filesystems?
I'm interested to learn about modern high-performance filesystems. Are there some good papers and textbooks that I should read? I'm interested in everything below the filesystem abstraction down to, and including, the physical storage.
I'm interested to learn about modern high-performance filesystems. Are there some good papers and textbooks that I should read? I'm interested in everything below the filesystem abstraction down to, and including, the physical storage.