Imaging mounted disk volumes under duress (2021)( Backups are critical. If you are lucky and organised you have a set of useful backup primitives, such as Point in Time snapshots on your Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS), your disk array controller, or volume manager. However there always seems to be some critical machine in my life that does not fall into these buckets.
Apple Intelligence in iOS 18.2 almost doubles the storage it needs( Apple Intelligence arrived on compatible iPhones, iPads, and Macs via a staggered rollout. There were new features launched in both iOS 18.1 and iOS 18.2. Now, we know exactly how much those additional features are costing in terms of iPhone storage space.
Will that hub or dock slow your SSDs, or even make them faster?( They might all connect to the same ports, but Thunderbolt 3, 4, 5, USB 3 and USB4 are disturbingly different, and few deliver the performance that their up-tos promise. From the figures that I see here at the moment, the most reliably performant in widely available products is USB4, but that’s not supported by Thunderbolt 3 on Intel Macs.
How Proxmox VE shreds your SSDs – with details( Time has come to revisit the initial piece on inexplicable writes that even empty Proxmox VE cluster makes, especially we have already covered what we are looking at: a completely virtual filesystem 1 with a structure that is completely generated on-the-fly, some of which never really exists in any persistent state - that is what lies behind the mountpoint of /etc/pve and what the process of pmxcfs created the illusion of.
Synology DS923 vs. FreeBSD with ZFS( My interest in storage is longstanding—I loved playing with different file systems in my early Unix days and then I worked on Google’s and Microsoft’s distributed storage solutions—and, about four years ago, I started running a home-grown NAS leveraging FreeBSD and its excellent ZFS support. I first hosted the server on a PowerMac G5 and then upgraded it to an overkill 72-core ThinkStation that I snapped second-hand for a great price.
4 points by nathan_phoenix 34 days ago | 0 comments
Pi modder successfully adds M.2 slot to Pi 500( As I briefly mentioned yesterday, someone mentioned in this blog's comments a successful M.2 socket installation on the empty header on the Pi 500 (something I attempted, rather poorly!). With a few added components, and 3.3V supplied to a pad on the bottom via a bench power supply, the M.2 slot works just fine, allowing the use of NVMe SSDs or other PCIe devices.
Show HN: Disk Prices on eBay( This is an Enterprise Drive;Not for Home Use. 100% Guaranteed;30 Day Seller Warranty w/ Hassle-Free Returns for any reason. We perform Sentinel Drive Analysis and a DoD 5220.22 M Data Wipe on all drives.
S3 Express Append has issues( AWS is clearly gearing up to make S3 Express a potential alternative to EBS disks. Like EBS, S3 Express is single zone. Earlier this year, AWS added the conditional write primitive to both S3 and S3 Express. Now it has released the ability to append to objects in S3 Express.
OpenZFS Horror Stories – Klara Systems( Join the Klara team, including co-founder Allan Jude and solutions engineer JT Pennington, as they share spine-chilling Halloween stories of near disasters with data loss. Discover what to avoid and learn why having well-tested backups is absolutely essential.
11 points by alwayslikethis 85 days ago | 2 comments
Official Raspberry Pi NVMe SSD Review( Rumours had been swirling regarding a range of official Raspberry Pi NVMe SSDs and yesterday was the day that these came to light, only a week or so after they launched the Raspberry Pi microSD cards. Are we seeing the beginning of the Cambridge Cartel? Where they corner the market of each of the accessories needed for your Pi?! Probably not, but let’s see what the craic is about.
Ask HN: How do you organize your electronic components?( Capacitors, resistors, micro-controllers, oh my!... god it's a mess. I keep finding spare parts between my toes and under pillows.
"Open-Air Desk-top" storage is no longer an option.<p>What types of storage do you use?
Are you subscribed to an organizational philosophy?
Do you sort your resistors by resistance?<p>Please and thank you ~