Hacker News with Generative AI: Population Growth

What a World Growing Older Fast Means for Investing (bloomberg.com)
A growing number of money managers say it’s time to get portfolios ready for a population shift
California's population is no longer in decline (ktla.com)
Despite all the noise surrounding the “California exodus,” or mass migration out of the country’s most populous state, California grew in population in 2024 — although that growth wasn’t massive.
Peak population may be coming sooner than we think (ft.com)
Peak population may be coming sooner than we think
Peak population may be coming sooner than we think (ft.com)
Peak population may be coming sooner than we think
The Depopulation Bomb Isn't Ticking, It's Overblown (americandreaming.substack.com)
In the 1960s and 70s, as the global population was growing by leaps and bounds, prominent intellectuals, institutions, and political leaders, from the United Nations, to the Club of Rome, to President Richard Nixon, warned about the looming crisis of overpopulation. Today, with birth rates falling around the world, a growing number of thought leaders foretell the precise opposite.
Pushing baby booms to boost economic growth amounts to a Ponzi scheme (theconversation.com)
Japanese population sees greatest fall amid record foreigner growth and numbers (asahi.com)
Peak Population Projections (dothemath.ucsd.edu)