Hacker News with Generative AI: Mythology

Goethe's "Sorcerer's Apprentice" – power over wisdom (wilderutopia.com)
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, an ages-old fairy tale interpreted as a poem by Goethe, made famous today by Disney’s Fantasia, illustrated the dangers of power over wisdom, and the risk of human creations getting out of control.
Why are there Seven Sisters? (arxiv.org)
There are two puzzles surrounding the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters. First, why are the mythological stories surrounding them, typically involving seven young girls being chased by a man associated with the constellation Orion, so similar in vastly separated cultures, such as the Australian Aboriginal cultures and Greek mythology? Second, why do most cultures call them "Seven Sisters" even though most people with good eyesight see only six stars?
Ys (wikipedia.org)
Ys (pronounced /ˈiːs/ EESS), also spelled Is or Kêr-Is in Breton, and Ville d'Ys in French, is a mythical city on the coast of Brittany that was swallowed up by the ocean.
King Arthur's ancient trail across Britain (cnn.com)
Necromanteion of Acheron (wikipedia.org)
The Nekromanteion (Greek: Νεκρομαντεῖον) was an ancient Greek temple of necromancy devoted to Hades and Persephone.
The Lion of St. Mark in Venice, Italy Was a Chinese Monster (finestresullarte.info)
How AI Copyright Law Is Being Guided by Spirits from Atlantis (defector.com)
The Myth of the Noble Savage (noemamag.com)
Dyēus (wikipedia.org)
French 'Excalibur' mysteriously disappears after 1,300 years stuck in a rock (telegraph.co.uk)
Babylon's Mystery Goddess (historytoday.com)
The lore of Kalloor (wikipedia.org)
The Myth of Panic (2021) (palladiummag.com)