Hacker News with Generative AI: Hetzner

Debugging Hetzner: Uncovering failures with powerstat, sensors, and dmidecode (ubicloud.com)
At Ubicloud, we build software that turns bare metal providers into cloud platforms. One of the providers we like is Hetzner because of their affordable and reliable servers.
Hetzner: S3-compatible Object Storage is here (hetzner.com)
Object Storage is the S3-compatible storage solution that grows with your data requirements - highly available, secure and flexible.
Hetzner Object Storage (hetzner.com)
Object Storage is the S3 compatible storage solution that grows with your data requirements - highly available, secure and flexible.
Hetzner raises prices while significantly lowering bandwidth (US) (adriano.fyi)
This morning I received an email from Hetzner stating that they are raising prices in the US while significantly reducing bandwidth.
Hetzner – 20 times less traffic for a higher price (postimg.cc)
Hetzner raises US cloud prices while lowering included bandwidth by 95% (twitter.com)
AWS and Azure Are at Least 4x–10x More Expensive Than Hetzner (learn.umh.app)
Why We Recommend Hetzner to Try Out the UMH: it is at least 4x–10x less expensive than AWS and Azure for similar VM instances.
Using S3 presigned upload URLs with Hetzners's new object storage (launchway.dev)
Learn how to configure CORS policies for Hetzner's S3-compatible object storage, enabling presigned URLs for direct user uploads in your web apps
Hetzner Object Storage (hetzner.com)
Tell HN: Hetzner just launched object storage in beta (ycombinator.com)
This is a game changer, since this keeps me form having to roll my own Minio. I was considering moving from S3 to R2, but if I can keep all traffic away from the internet until it needs to leave, that is ideal to me. Hopefully they add a CDN too.
Hetzner S3 Storage coming next Thursday (reddit.com)
Hetzner now throttling shared CPUs if you use >20% (hetzner.com)
Set Up a $4/Mo Hetzner VM to Skip the Serverless Tax (shipixen.com)
Hetzner Cloud Documentation (hetzner.com)
Hetzner didn't even provide a detailed info on why they deactivated my account (twitter.com)