Hacker News with Generative AI: Amazon S3

Building a distributed log using S3 (under 150 lines of Go) (avi.im)
I will show how we can implement a durable, distributed, and highly available log using S3. This post is the third part in the series:
Using S3 presigned upload URLs with Hetzners's new object storage (launchway.dev)
Learn how to configure CORS policies for Hetzner's S3-compatible object storage, enabling presigned URLs for direct user uploads in your web apps
S3 as a Git remote and LFS server (github.com/awslabs)
This library enables to use Amazon S3 as a git remote and LFS server.
Tell HN: Hetzner just launched object storage in beta (ycombinator.com)
This is a game changer, since this keeps me form having to roll my own Minio. I was considering moving from S3 to R2, but if I can keep all traffic away from the internet until it needs to leave, that is ideal to me. Hopefully they add a CDN too.
Show HN: SFTP Bridge to S3 (usebaskt.com)
The effortless sftp server that your team, clients and IT will love.
Leader Election with S3 Conditional Writes (morling.dev)