AWS and Azure Are at Least 4x–10x More Expensive Than Hetzner
Why We Recommend Hetzner to Try Out the UMH: it is at least 4x–10x less expensive than AWS and Azure for similar VM instances.
Why We Recommend Hetzner to Try Out the UMH: it is at least 4x–10x less expensive than AWS and Azure for similar VM instances.
Ask HN: Azure Ran Out of Capacity?
We tried provisioning a database in US EAST. We were denied. We submitted a support request. We were told they could not provision the database due to high demand in that region (what??). We pivoted to US EAST 2 and am now getting blocked trying to deploy an App Service.
We tried provisioning a database in US EAST. We were denied. We submitted a support request. We were told they could not provision the database due to high demand in that region (what??). We pivoted to US EAST 2 and am now getting blocked trying to deploy an App Service.
Microsoft performs operations with multiple error-corrected qubits
On Tuesday, Microsoft made a series of announcements related to its Azure Quantum Cloud service. Among them was a demonstration of logical operations using the largest number of error-corrected qubits yet.
On Tuesday, Microsoft made a series of announcements related to its Azure Quantum Cloud service. Among them was a demonstration of logical operations using the largest number of error-corrected qubits yet.
Microsoft and Quantinuum create 12 logical qubits
Microsoft and Quantinuum applied Azure Quantum’s qubit-virtualization system to Quantinuum’s H2 trapped-ion quantum computer to create 12 highly reliable logical qubits. Additionally, the teams demonstrated the emerging capabilities of reliable quantum computing by using two logical qubits, integrated with an AI model and cloud high-performance computing (HPC), to accurately estimate the ground state energy of the active space of an important catalytic intermediate.
Microsoft and Quantinuum applied Azure Quantum’s qubit-virtualization system to Quantinuum’s H2 trapped-ion quantum computer to create 12 highly reliable logical qubits. Additionally, the teams demonstrated the emerging capabilities of reliable quantum computing by using two logical qubits, integrated with an AI model and cloud high-performance computing (HPC), to accurately estimate the ground state energy of the active space of an important catalytic intermediate.