Hacker News with Generative AI: Ecosystems

A New, Chemical View of Ecosystems (quantamagazine.org)
Rare and powerful compounds, known as keystone molecules, can build a web of invisible interactions among species.
A new way to determine whether a species will successfully invade an ecosystem (news.mit.edu)
When a new species is introduced into an ecosystem, it may succeed in establishing itself, or it may fail to gain a foothold and die out. Physicists at MIT have now devised a formula that can predict which of those outcomes is most likely.
A 'Second Tree of Life' Could Wreak Havoc, Scientists Warn (nytimes.com)
On Thursday, 38 prominent biologists issued a dire warning: Within a few decades, scientists will be able create a microbe that could cause an unstoppable pandemic, devastating crop losses or the collapse of entire ecosystems.
The Yellowstone supervolcano destroyed an ecosystem but saved it for us (arstechnica.com)
The oldest ecosystems on Earth (nautil.us)