Hacker News with Generative AI: Vaping

Osaka bans smoking on all of its streets, vaping included (soranews24.com)
Japan’s third-largest city expands smoking ban ahead of world’s fair.
In the moral panic over vaping, we risk forgetting that cigarettes kill (theguardian.com)
Bans and taxes on the most popular and effective aid for giving up smoking could lead to a major health crisis
Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales (bbc.com)
The sale of single-use disposable vapes will be banned in England and Wales from June next year, the government has confirmed.
(UK) Government crackdown on single-use vapes (gov.uk)
New legislation to ban the sale of single-use vapes from 1 June 2025 has been laid in Parliament, Circular Economy Minister Mary Creagh confirmed today.
Pac-Man on a vape: electronic cigarettes target youth as gaming devices (tobaccocontrol.bmj.com)
Vaping: A harm reduction tool or a public health concern? Experts weigh in (healthydebate.ca)
NYU professors who defended vaping didn't disclose ties to Juul (statnews.com)
Vaping linked with higher risk of exposure to toxic metals, study finds (cnn.com)