Hacker News with Generative AI: Harm Reduction

Boston installs vending machines for addicts with Narcan, fentanyl test kits (universalhub.com)
The city announced today it's installed four vending machines that dispense Narcan, clean syringes and fentanyl test kits - with room for possible later additions that could include pregnancy test kits and socks - and is working to install another eight machines that dispense Narcan across the city.
Four Thieves Vinegar Collective – Harm Reduction for the Living (fourthievesvinegar.org)
The Four Thieves Vinegar Collective is an anarchist collective dedicated to enabling access to medicines and medical technologies to those who need them but don’t have them.
Vaping: A harm reduction tool or a public health concern? Experts weigh in (healthydebate.ca)