Hacker News with Generative AI: System Design

When imperfect systems are good: Bluesky's lossy timelines (jazco.dev)
Often when designing systems, we aim for perfection in things like consistency of data, availability, latency, and more.
We built a self-healing system to survive a concurrency bug at Netflix (pushtoprod.substack.com)
Our CPUs were dying, the bug was temporarily un-fixable, and we had no viable path forward. Here's how we managed to survive.
Napkin-math: Techniques for estimating system performance from first-principles (github.com/sirupsen)
The goal of this project is to collect software, numbers, and techniques to quickly estimate the expected performance of systems from first-principles.
System Design Scale (betterengineers.substack.com)
Optimize the Overall System Not the Individual Components (deming.org)
White Papers to Learn System Design and Software Architecture (medium.com)
Devs need system design tools, not diagramming tools (thenewstack.io)
On Building Systems That Will Fail (1991) (mit.edu:8001)
Ask HN: Best way to get hands on large scale system design exp (ycombinator.com)
Distributed System Daemons: More Than a Twinkle in Goblins' Eye (spritely.institute)