Hacker News with Generative AI: Space Weather

Radiation belts detected around Earth after solar storm (sciencealert.com)
In May 2024, an epic solar storm rattled Earth so powerfully that its effects were felt even at the bottom of the ocean.
G4 (Severe) Geomagnetic Storming Observed (noaa.gov)
G4 (Severe) geomagnetic storming levels have been observed as of 1657 UTC on 10 Oct.
CME Arrival at Earth Has Occurred and Warnings Have Been Issued (noaa.gov)
The anticipated coronal mass ejection (CME) arrived at Earth at 11:15am EDT at nearly 1.5 million miles per hour. The CME strength and structure are being closely scrutinized for potential geomagnetic storm intensity, but, G3 levels are now expected due to the magnitude and potential of the CME, therefore G3 or greater warning has been issued.
NOAA Space Weather: Aurora Dashboard for Sun Coronal Mass Ejection October 10th (noaa.gov)
When and where can you see the northern and southern lights also known as the aurora? This page provides a prediction of the aurora’s visibility tonight and tomorrow night in the charts below. The animations further down show what the aurora’s been up to over the last 24 hours and estimates what the next 30 minutes will be like. The aurora’s colorful green, red, and purple light shifts gently and often changes shape like softly blowing curtains.
Solar wind from Oct 3's coronal mass ejection expected to arrive today (Oct 6) (noaa.gov)
Biggest solar flare since 2017 erupts from sun and Earth is in the firing line (space.com)
HamClock – a real time space weather dashboard (clearskyinstitute.com)
G2 Geomatnetic Storm Watch for July 24th (noaa.gov)
The Auroras Should Be Spectacular This Summer, Thanks to Solar Maximum (wired.com)
Sun shoots out biggest solar flare in 2 decades, Earth should be out of the way (phys.org)
Carrington Event (wikipedia.org)
NOAA says most extreme Solar Storm in 20 years will persist through weekend (arstechnica.com)
Ask HN: Any effects from the solar storm on infra/hardware/software? (ycombinator.com)
G5 Conditions Observed (spaceweather.gov)
NOAA declares a G5 (extreme) geomagnetic storm (noaa.gov)
Solar Storm Incoming (noaa.gov)
A (G4) geomagnetic storm is likely this weekend (noaa.gov)
NOAA Forecasts Severe G4 Solar Storm (spaceweather.gov)
A severe solar storm will hit Earth on this weekend (nytimes.com)
Coronal mass ejection impact imminent, two more earth-directed CMEs (spaceweatherlive.com)
There's a Solar Storm Coming (qz.com)
World told to brace for 'severe geomagnetic storm' today (dailymail.co.uk)
SWPC issues first G4 geomagnetic storm watch since 2005 (noaa.gov)
Gargantuan sunspot 15-Earths wide shoots powerful X-class flare toward Earth (space.com)
NOAA Forecasts Solar Storm (G4) (noaa.gov)
The Threat of a Solar Superstorm Is Growing–and We're Not Ready (scientificamerican.com)
Digitized Continuous Magnetic Recordings for the 1859 Carrington Event (wiley.com)