Hacker News with Generative AI: Sun

The Parker Solar Probe will make its closest approach yet to the Sun (arstechnica.com)
Almost no one ever writes about the Parker Solar Probe anymore.
The Solar Magnetic Field from Solar Minimum to Pole Flip (nasa.gov)
One advantage of long-lived missions like Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is the ability to see slow but significant changes over long periods of time.
Sun Reaches Maximum Phase in 11-Year Solar Cycle (nasa.gov)
In a teleconference with reporters on Tuesday, representatives from NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the international Solar Cycle Prediction Panel announced that the Sun has reached its solar maximum period, which could continue for the next year.
Sun is starting next solar cycle–despite being halfway through its current one (phys.org)
The sun's magnetic field is about to flip (space.com)
Gargantuan sunspot 15-Earths wide shoots powerful X-class flare toward Earth (space.com)
Spacecraft Takes Close Up Video of the Sun, Revealing Otherworldly Hellscape (futurism.com)