Hacker News with Generative AI: Scripting

Do-nothing scripting: the key to gradual automation (2019) (danslimmon.com)
Every ops team has some manual procedures that they haven’t gotten around to automating yet. Toil can never be totally eliminated.
Using custom scriptlets in Brave to make the Web work the way you want (brave.com)
Starting with desktop version 1.75, advanced Brave users will be able to write and inject their own scriptlets into a page, allowing for better control over their browsing experience.
Run-All (ycombinator.com)
github.com/clovis818/run-all is a command-line tool that allows you to execute commands across multiple directories based on a customizable directory pattern.
Using uv as your shebang line (akrabat.com)
I create a fair few scripts in my ~/bin/ directory to automate tasks. Since discovering uv and inline script metadata, I’ve started using Python far more for these.
Bunster: Compile bash scripts to self contained executables (github.com/yassinebenaid)
Have you ever wished your shell scripts could be faster, more portable, and secure ? Bunster brings this to life by transforming your shell scripts into efficient, standalone binaries that are easy to distribute and deploy across platforms (only unix is supported at the moment).
Consider Rexx for Scripting (2022) (opensource.com)
How do you design a programming language to be powerful yet still easy to use? Rexx offers one example. This article describes how Rexx reconciles these two seemingly contradictory goals.
FSharpPacker – compile F# scripts to executables (github.com/kant2002)
This tool allows package FSX files as self-contained executables.
Kotlin to lose scripting features (infoworld.com)
JetBrains plans to drop some scripting-related technologies from the Kotlin language, including REPL functionality, an obsolete API for Java scripting, the KotlinScriptMojo Maven plugin, and the kotlin-scripting-ide-services library for implementing code completion functionality.
Show HN: Clean Your Mac with a Script (github.com/hkdobrev)
Clean your macOS with a script, not an expensive app
/usr/bin/env -S uv run (simonwillison.net)
This is a really neat pattern. Start your Python script like this:
Show HN: Extract iMessage Attachments and Links into Organized Folders (github.com)
This script organizes extracted files and links into folders based on the contact or group conversation source from macOS's Messages app database (chat.db).
Python Inline Script Metadata (python.org)
This specification defines a metadata format that can be embedded in single-file Python scripts to assist launchers, IDEs and other external tools which may need to interact with such scripts.
Cwal: Scripting Engine Without a Language (wanderinghorse.net)
cwal (pronounced "sea wall") is a scripting engine/garbage-collection library implemented in C (which is where the "c" comes from - its original name was "sewal"). cwal itself does not provide a scripting language, only the pieces needed for a custom script parser to manage its memory, scoping, variables, a value type system with which to communicate values between script code and native code, etc.
Show HN: Makedown – A Markdown powered Makefile alternative (github.com/tzador)
makedown (aka Makefile + Markdown) is motivated by developers need to define multiple scripts in one file next to their documentation, and have a handy way to run them from terminal.
A bash script to move untracked files out of a checked-out Git repository (github.com/blackbit42)
This is a simple bash script that helps you to quickly, temporarily move untracked files out of a checked-out git repository.
Cron Jobs on Linux – Comprehensive Guide with Examples (ittavern.com)
Cron jobs are scheduled and automated tasks that run commands or scripts on Linux.
uv – Declaring Script Dependencies (astral.sh)
ICPP – Run C++ anywhere like a script (github.com/vpand)
Free DDNS with Cloudflare and a cronjob (github.com/devrim)
The Triumph of Counting and Scripting (slate.com)
Minuimus is a file optimiser utility script (birds-are-nice.me)
Cloning Windows Recall in 30 Lines of Bash (jackson.dev)
Low-latency scripting for game engines (medium.com)
Kotlin Scripting (tutcoach.com)
OpenBSD scripts to convert wg-quick VPN files (dataswamp.org)
Tiny11 Builder trims Windows 11 fat with PowerShell script (theregister.com)
Lunatik: Lunatik is a framework for scripting the Linux kernel with Lua (github.com/luainkernel)
Scriptable operating systems with Lua (2014) [pdf] (netbsd.org)