Hacker News with Generative AI: Propaganda

Weaponizing Wikipedia Against Israel (aish.com)
How the global information pipeline is being hijacked by digital jihadists.
Exposing obscured state media influence by causal inference of quote propagation (nature.com)
Reporting by major media outlets influences news coverage by other outlets, resulting in an outsized impact on public opinion.
Elon Musk calls homelessness a 'lie' and 'propaganda' (independent.co.uk)
To Elon Musk, the word “homeless” is a “lie” and “a propaganda word”.
Mind Bomb – How Russia wages an international war on truth (youtube.com)
US War Department 1945 // Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet #64 – Fascism (archive.org)
March 24, 1945. Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet #64 Fascism! A sheet printed and distributed by the United States War Department as an educational tool for use with soldiers. Published by the War Department Army Orientation Branch: Information and Education Division.
Russia fines Google $2.5 x 10^33 (independent.co.uk)
A Russian court has fined Google $2.5 decillion for allegedly blocking pro-Kremlin propaganda on YouTube.
Full Text of "Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet #64 – Fascism " (archive.org)
March 24, 1945.Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet #64Fascism!A sheet printed and distributed by the United States War Department as an educational tool for use with soldiers.Published by the War DepartmentArmy Orientation Branch: Information and Education Division.
The models who found their likenesses had been used in AI propaganda (theguardian.com)
The well-groomed young man dressed in a crisp, blue shirt speaking with a soft American accent seems an unlikely supporter of the junta leader of the west African state of Burkina Faso.
Turkish Journalists Are Now 'Telling the Xinjiang Story Well' for Beijing (jamestown.org)
Türkiye could be a key player in the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) strategy of coopting foreign journalists in order to create a more favorable image of its policies in Xinjiang.
Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes (wikipedia.org)
Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes (1965/1973) (French: Propagandes; original French edition: 1962) is a book on the subject of propaganda by French philosopher, theologian, legal scholar, and sociologist Jacques Ellul.
House passes $1.6B to deliver anti-China propaganda overseas (responsiblestatecraft.org)
Russia focusing on US social media stars to covertly influence voters (reuters.com)
FBI says Kremlin-linked org paying 2800 influencers to spread pro-Russia content (theatlantic.com)
Kawaii: Anime, Propaganda, and Soft Power Politics. [video] (youtube.com)
Photos of European influencers used for pro-Trump propaganda on fake X accounts (cnn.com)
'My identity is stolen': Photos of influencers used to push pro-Trump propaganda (cnn.com)
Film suggests Nazis' lead propagandist had role in 1939 massacre (theguardian.com)
Who Goes Nazi? (1941) (harpers.org)
Ukranian YouTuber discovers clones of her promoting Chinese propaganda (twitter.com)
State-Sponsored Russian Media Software for Malign Influence Activity [pdf] (ic3.gov)
Pranksters reveal odes to Putin were Russian translations of Nazi verse (theguardian.com)
Google AI Gemini parrots China's propaganda (voanews.com)
2024 Russian propaganda includes deepfakes, sham websites, social media swarms (text.npr.org)
Russia paid far-right politicians in 5 countries to plant propaganda (washingtonpost.com)
WWII Propaganda Campaign – Carrots Help You See in the Dark (2013) (smithsonianmag.com)
Disrupting deceptive uses of AI by covert influence operations (openai.com)
Meta shuts down Israeli network pushing AI-generated propaganda in U.S. (calcalistech.com)
The New Propaganda War (theatlantic.com)
Why China is so bad at disinformation (wired.com)
The limits of foreign propaganda and the foundations of an effective response (tnsr.org)