Hacker News with Generative AI: Parasites

Burning in woman's legs turned out to be slug parasites migrating to her brain (arstechnica.com)
It started with a bizarre burning sensation in her feet. Over the next two days, the searing pain crept up her legs. Any light touch made it worse, and over-the-counter pain medicine offered no relief.
Targeting Mosquito Spit Could Stop Parasites in Their Tracks (the-scientist.com)
A protein found in the saliva of Anopheles gambiae stopped blood from clotting in the insects’ stomachs and aided parasite transmission.
Parasitic worms 'manipulate' mantises onto asphalt roads, say researchers (mainichi.jp)
OSAKA -- Every autumn, dead mantises can be seen lying on the asphalt of roads. A type of parasitic worm may be leading the creatures to their deaths there, researchers at Kyoto University and others have determined.
Medical student's apparent celiac disease responded to giardiasis treatment (backpacker.com)
Little-known fact: The symptoms of chronic giardiasis can mimic gluten intolerance. How can hikers tell the difference?
Fictional parasites different from our own (owlposting.com)
Note: this is a fictional story. Heavily inspired by SSC’s similar posts on fictional legal systems and fictional banned drugs.
Parasites are everywhere. Why do so few researchers study them? (smithsonianmag.com)
Brain-Invading Parasite Could Be Hacked to Deliver Meds in Your Head (sciencealert.com)
Social organization in a flatworm:parasites form soldier and reproductive castes (royalsocietypublishing.org)
Human parasites in the Roman World: health consequences of conquering an empire (cambridge.org)