Hacker News with Generative AI: NIST

NIST Standard Reference Materials Catalog [pdf] (nist.gov)
Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths (nist.gov)
NIST provides cryptographic key management guidance for defining and implementing appropriate key-management procedures, using algorithms that adequately protect sensitive information, and planning for possible changes in the use of cryptography because of algorithm breaks or the availability of more powerful computing techniques. This publication provides guidance on transitioning to the use of stronger cryptographic keys and more robust algorithms.
NIST Interoperable Randomness Beacons (nist.gov)
This prototype implementation generates full-entropy bit-strings and posts them in blocks of 512 bits every 60 seconds.
NIST's New Password Guidelines Will Eliminate Periodic Changes and Special (socket.dev)
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is set to update its recommendations for authentication and authenticator management as part of a revision to its Digital Identity Guidelines.
What Is Post-Quantum Cryptography? – NIST (nist.gov)