Hacker News with Generative AI: Food Technology

Kirin demos "electric salt spoon" at CES (techcrunch.com)
On the first night of CES 2025, Kirin Holdings, a Japanese company known for its beer and beverages, showed off its new electronic spoon that makes your food taste saltier.
CandyFab: A DIY 3D Sugar Printer (candyfab.org)
The CandyFab 4000, 5000, and 6000 were early DIY 3D printers, built as hobby projects in the years 2007, 2008, and 2009, respectively, by Windell Oskay and Lenore Edman of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories.
Electronic lollipop that lets you taste things in virtual reality (bgr.com)
A new “VR lollipop” could soon let you taste things in virtual reality.
Tasty, airy baked goods with culinary foam made from peas (phys.org)
Culinary foam made from the whites of chicken eggs makes baked goods light and airy. In the LeguFoam project, Fraunhofer researchers are working on a plant-based alternative made from legumes.
Making 'food out of thin air' (noemamag.com)
Is Cultivated Meat for Real? (asteriskmag.com)
Butter made from CO2, not cows, tastes like 'the real thing', claims startup (theguardian.com)
Fats from thin air: Startup makes butter using CO2 and water (newatlas.com)
Singapore doubles down on lab-grown meat as Silicon Valley backs off (restofworld.org)
Florida Governor Signs Bill to Ban the Sale of Lab-Grown Meat (flgov.com)