Hacker News with Generative AI: Bacteria

Staphylococcus aureus 'steals' iron from our blood during infections (phys.org)
Researchers have revealed how Staphylococcus aureus bacteria extract iron from hemoglobin—a process crucial to their survival during infections.
The Ocean Teems with Networks of Interconnected Bacteria (quantamagazine.org)
Tiny bridges, known as bacterial nanotubes, connect the inner spaces of photosynthesizing bacteria throughout the oceans — forming little-known cellular networks of trade and communication.
'Alarming': A Dangerous Diarrhea-Causing Superbug Is Spreading in Los Angeles (gizmodo.com)
A diarrhea-causing superbug is stirring up trouble in Los Angeles. Researchers have tracked down a worrying new strain of Shigella bacteria in the area—one that can resist almost every antibiotic thrown at it.
'Conan the Bacterium' is radiation-resistant for a surprising reason (cnn.com)
Flesh-eating bacteria cases rise in Florida after hurricanes Helene and Milton (cnn.com)
Even a single bacterial cell can sense the seasons changing (quantamagazine.org)
Though they live only a few hours before dividing, bacteria can anticipate the approach of cold weather and prepare for it. The discovery suggests that seasonal tracking is fundamental to life.
Studies suggest a drug-free nasal spray could ward off respiratory infections (medicalxpress.com)
A new study details how a nasal spray formulated by investigators from Brigham and Women's Hospital may work to protect against viral and bacterial respiratory infections.
Bacteria involved in gum disease linked to increased risk of head, neck cancer (medicalxpress.com)
More than a dozen bacterial species among the hundreds that live in people's mouths have been linked to a collective 50% increased chance of developing head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), a new study shows.
Tattoo ink sold on Amazon has high levels of weird and rare bacteria (arstechnica.com)
Microwaves: A Haven for Bacterial Diversity (tecscience.tec.mx)
Hardy bacteria found living inside microwaves (newscientist.com)
New compound found to be effective against 'flesh-eating' bacteria in mice (phys.org)
Dual action antibiotic could make bacterial resistance nearly impossible (phys.org)
Flesh-Eating Bacteria That Can Kill in Two Days Spreads in Japan (bloomberg.com)