Hacker News with Generative AI: Word Games

Mathematics of the daily word game Waffle (arxiv.org)
We investigate the combinatorics of permutations underlying the the daily word game Waffle, and learn why some games are easy to solve while extreme games are very hard. A perfect unscrambling must have precisely 11 orbits, with at least one of length 1, on the 21 squares.
Show HN: Triplit, a new daily word game (triplit.com)
Gift your special someone a personalised word search puzzle (wordamour.com)
Turn your cherished words into a beautiful, printed word search puzzle. Choose sweet nicknames, inside jokes, and treasured memories that mean the most to you both. A thoughtful gift that's uniquely yours.
Three hundred words you can spell on a calculator [pdf] (mathsquad.com)
Common English Lexicon: Common Words for Word Games (github.com/Fj00)
Show HN: Voggle, a unique word game with handcrafted puzzles and hidden themes (voggle.com)
A word game I built to understand semantic distance (itch.io)
Tangoing with a Martin Gardner Word Game (pncnmnp.github.io)