Hacker News with Generative AI: Team Management

Warm Handoffs (luckymike.dev)
Warm Handoffs are a procedure I’ve implemented with several teams and organizations to improve communication and collaboration in Slack. As organizations grow and ownership shifts and splits as teams are formed and re-formed, Slack channels proliferate, and it gets harder for folks across an org to know the right channel to get help for a particular problem.
GitHub taught me to micromanage (matthewrocklin.com)
Feedback is critical to performing good work as a team. Good feedback cultivates quality work and professional growth. Bad feedback degrades quality and erodes relationships.
How to Tame Evil Dependencies (thoughtworks.com)
Dependencies between software development teams in large organizations are an almighty problem.
The Gitlab Team Handbook (gitlab.com)
Using DORA metrics to coach teams (zarar.dev)
How to Fix Broken Teams (staysaasy.com)