Hacker News with Generative AI: Side Hustles

Show HN: I made Tinder, but for side hustlers (devmarket.pro)
Match unlimited partners with complementary skills. Evaluate them with tools to guarantee they are trustworthy. Start your SaaS together with clear agreements in place.
Ask HN: Best side hustle for WFH guys (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: How do you find part time work? (ycombinator.com)
I have a project that I'm working on turning into a small business. I've done some part-time work (retainers and project-based) over the past year and it's gone well. It's relatively high pay for part-time work, leaving me time and flexibility to work on my own project.
How to Make $6k a Month by Moving Citi Bikes Around the Block (nytimes.com)
It was the perfect New York hustle, a scam of subtle perfection. And for three years, it helped Mark Epperson pay his rent.
Ask HN: Affording Accounting/SaaS for multiple side hustles? (ycombinator.com)