Hacker News with Generative AI: Shakespeare

Not Time's Fool: A Rare Version of a Shakespeare Sonnet Is Discovered (nytimes.com)
An Oxford researcher found a rare, handwritten variation of one of Shakespeare’s most famous love poems. About 400 years ago, its meaning might have been very different.
Monkeys Will Never Type Shakespeare (bbc.co.uk)
Two Australian mathematicians have called into question an old adage, that if given an infinite amount of time, a monkey pressing keys on a typewriter would eventually write the complete works of William Shakespeare.
Sculpture commemorates 16th century drowning that inspired Shakespeare (theguardian.com)
Almost 500 years ago, a wealthy and well-connected judge named Sir James Hales walked into the River Stour near Canterbury in order to take his own life.
How many children had Lady Macbeth? (lifeandletters.substack.com)
Making Elizabethan plays understandable and fun to read (elizabethandrama.org)
Much Ado About First Folios — the world's largest Shakespeare collection reopens (npr.org)
How the soon-to-reopen Folger Shakespeare Library came to be (smithsonianmag.com)