Hacker News with Generative AI: Services

Show HN: Ahey – A simple pub-sub service built on top of web push (ahey.io)
Ahey is a simple pub-sub service built on top of web push. It lets you send unlimited push notifications to any browser with just a simple HTTP POST request. Works in all major browsers. 100% free.
Garmin Connect services were down (garmin.com)
What Are the Latest Scraping APIs or Services/Websites? (ycombinator.com)
I'm working on a large web scraping project and looking to avoid building custom scrapers for every site using something like BeautifulSoup.
Show HN: An app where you suggest me your vet, I suggest you my babysitter (play.google.com)
Debugging a memory leak in a Clojure service (charanvasu.com)
AWS to discontinue Cloud9, CodeCommit, CloudSearch and several other services (neowin.net)
Combine multiple RSS feeds into a single feed, as a service (github.com/chase-seibert)
VPN by Google One shuts down (9to5google.com)
Gravatar Is Back (ma.tt)