Hacker News with Generative AI: Recommendation Systems

Prediction Games (argmin.net)
In 2006, Netflix launched an open competition that would transform machine learning practice. They offered a million dollars to anyone who could improve upon their in-house recommendation system by 10%.
Unifying Generative and Dense Retrieval for Sequential Recommendation (arxiv.org)
Sequential dense retrieval models utilize advanced sequence learning techniques to compute item and user representations, which are then used to rank relevant items for a user through inner product computation between the user and all item representations.
ByteDance's Recommendation System (github.com/bytedance)
Learning Category Trees for ID-Based Recommendation: Differentiable VQ (arxiv.org)
Category information plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality and personalization of recommender systems. Nevertheless, the availability of item category information is not consistently present, particularly in the context of ID-based recommendations.
Show HN: An app where you suggest me your vet, I suggest you my babysitter (play.google.com)
Meta's Trillion Parameter Recommendation System (shaped.ai)
Ask HN: AI for Music Discovery (ycombinator.com)
Show HN: Shepherd 3.0 – Like wandering the aisles of your favorite bookstore (ycombinator.com)