Hacker News with Generative AI: Time Zones

Save Standard Time (savestandardtime.com)
Permanent Standard Time is best for health, safety, sports, education, productivity, wages, en­vi­ron­ment, and civil liberties. Save Standard Time is a nonprofit, non­par­ti­san, donor-funded, volunteer-supported effort to preserve and extend the observation of longitudinally correct Standard Time.
Why not 2 Timezones for US? (twitter.com)
Worldtimeapp.com Easy Timezone Converter (worldtimeapp.com)
Australia/Lord_Howe is the weirdest timezone (ssoready.com)
Australia/Lord_Howe, population 382 and some notable stick bugs, has the weirdest daylight savings rule
Date-fns 4.0 (date-fns.org)
I’m happy to announce the release of v4.0, which includes first-class time zone support and no major breaking changes.
Why London is 4-5 hrs ahead and LA is 3 hrs behind Boston though both are as far (reddit.com)
The 1 Hour per Year Bug, but only in Pacific time (tomeraberba.ch)
Storing UTC is not a silver bullet (2019) (jonskeet.uk)