Hacker News with Generative AI: Retraction

Journal that published faulty black plastic study removed from science index (arstechnica.com)
The publisher of a high-profile, now-corrected study on black plastics has been removed from a critical index of academic journals after failing to meet quality criteria, according to a report by Retraction Watch.
Covid study that promoted hydroxychloroquine retracted after 4-year saga (nature.com)
A study that stoked enthusiasm for the now-disproven idea that a cheap malaria drug can treat COVID-19 has been retracted — more than four-and-a-half years after it was published1.
Second paper from lab of Nobel Prize winner to be retracted (thetransmitter.org)
Finland group downgrades 60 journals (retractionwatch.com)
Journal retracts all 23 articles in special issue (retractionwatch.com)