Hacker News with Generative AI: Prediction Markets

Making Markets on Kalshi (rlafuente.com)
Bird Flu Risk Dashboard Using Prediction Markets (Current Risk "Low Chance") (birdflurisk.com)
Chess BLITZ tournament breaks polymarket markets (ycombinator.com)
A unique situation has emerged at the intersection of chess and prediction markets following a recent blitz tournament in New York.
The death and life of prediction markets at Google (asteriskmag.com)
Over the past two decades, Google has hosted two different internal platforms for predictions. Why did the first one fail — and will the other endure?
From prediction markets to info finance (eth.limo)
One of the Ethereum applications that has always excited me the most are prediction markets.
Congrats to Polymarket, but I Still Think They Were Mispriced (astralcodexten.com)
Polymarket (and prediction markets in general) had an amazing Election Night. They called states impressively early and accurately, kept the site stable through what must have been incredible strain, and have successfully gotten prediction markets in front of the world (including the Trump campaign). From here it’s a flywheel; victory building on victory. Enough people heard of them this election that they’ll never lack for customers.
Pm-AMM: A Uniform Automated Market Maker for Prediction Markets (paradigm.xyz)
In this post, we introduce a new automated market maker (AMM) customized for prediction markets: the pm-AMM.
US Election prediction markets diverge from poll-based models (ft.com)
US election betting markets have been having a moment.
The prediction platform Metaculus is open source now (github.com/Metaculus)
This is the codebase for the rewritten main Metaculus website, it's expected to be live in October.