Hacker News with Generative AI: NoSQL

Microsoft/documentdb: DocumentDB – NoSQL document database in Postgres (github.com/microsoft)
DocumentDB offers a native implementation of document-oriented NoSQL database, enabling seamless CRUD operations on BSON data types within a PostgreSQL framework.
Show HN: NoSQL, but it's SQLite (github.com)
SQLite-backed key-value store with JS-like object manipulation and automatic JSON serialization.
Evolving a NoSQL Database Schema (karmanivero.us)
In a NoSQL environment, Entity Manager organizes the physical distribution of data to support efficient query operations.
Show HN: An in-memory, NoSQL database implemented in Python (github.com/capjamesg)
Valkey 8 sets a new bar for open-source in-memory NoSQL data storage (beehiiv.com)
Vienna, Austria: Valkey, the Redis fork, is kicking rump and taking names. At Open Source Summit Europe, the Linux Foundation announced the release of Valkey 8.0, a giant step forward to the open-source in-memory NoSQL data store.
Neon Postgres vs. Supabase (devtoolsacademy.com)
Postgres vs. Pinecone (lantern.dev)
SQL co-creator embraces NoSQL (theregister.com)
How to Use SQLite as a NoSQL Store (rodydavis.com)
Ask HN: Modern day equivalent to HyperCard? (ycombinator.com)
Valkey Is Rapidly Overtaking Redis (devops.com)