Hacker News with Generative AI: Medical Procedures

Having Your Tonsils Out as a Child May Have a Drastic Impact on Your Life (sciencealert.com)
In the US alone, around 300,000 children each year have their tonsils surgically removed to improve breathing while sleeping or reduce recurrent infection.
Scientists issue urgent warning after discovering impact of IV treatments (thecooldown.com)
A new study is raising concerns about a common medical practice, leading scientists to call for a reexamination of standards around the procedure.
Big Insurer Sets Time Limits on Anesthesia Coverage During Surgeries (levernews.com)
One of the country’s largest health insurance companies says it will no longer automatically pay for patients’ anesthesia if a medical procedure takes longer than a predetermined time limit, regardless of complications or other factors that impact operation time.
Bridge to Nowhere (depth-first.com)
On March 24, 2023 I was laying in a hospital bed for the first time in my life. I'd just been told that a team was being assembled for my upcoming brain surgery. I don't remember being asked if I wanted one. Rather, I was told that I would have one and that it would happen soon.
Surgeons Cut a Giant Tumor Out of My Head. Is There a Better Way? (bloomberg.com)
The one-year anniversary of my total glossectomy (jakeseliger.com)