Hacker News with Generative AI: Invasive Species

In 1859, 24 Rabbits 'Colonized' a New Continent–A Biologist Tells the Story (forbes.com)
Introduced for the sake of sport, the entry of these rabbits to Australia marked the beginning of an infestation that would continue to plague the ecosystem over 150 years later.
Invasive Plants Are Fueling California's Wildfire Crisis (wired.com)
Fire has always shaped the landscape in California. But today it burns hotter, more frequently, and spreads farther than ever before—a shift driven by human development, climate change, and the prevalence of invasive species, which are non-native plants that have negative effects on local ecosystems. Grasses and trees brought to California for agriculture, landscaping, or by accident, have transformed the state’s fire dynamics.
Across southeastern US, weedy rice steals herbicide resistance from crop rice (phys.org)
Weedy rice is a close relative of cultivated rice that infests rice fields worldwide and drastically reduces yields.
WSDA, USDA announce eradication of northern giant hornet from the United States (agr.wa.gov)
Two-inch long 'murder hornets' eradicated from US, agriculture department says (theguardian.com)
The world’s largest hornet, an invasive breed nicknamed the “murder hornet” for its dangerous sting and ability to slaughter a hive of honeybees in as little as 90 minutes, has been declared eradicated in the US, five years after being spotted for the first time in Washington state near the Canadian border.
Two-inch long 'murder hornets' eradicated from US (theguardian.com)
The world’s largest hornet, an invasive breed nicknamed the “murder hornet” for its dangerous sting and ability to slaughter a hive of honeybees in as little as 90 minutes, has been declared eradicated in the US, five years after being spotted for the first time in Washington state near the Canadian border.
Cane Toads: An Unnatural History (1988) (cinemasojourns.com)
One of the biggest threats to natural habitats and healthy ecosystems around the world is the introduction of non-native invasive species into their realm.
Destructive weed, found in New York state, resists common herbicides (phys.org)
The invasive pigweed Palmer amaranth, first found in New York soybean fields in 2019, has been dubbed the "spotted lanternfly of weeds" for its ability to spread quickly and wreak havoc on crops.
Invasive 20-pound rodents continue to spread in the Bay Area (sfgate.com)
Close to a thousand nutria have been hunted down in the Bay Area this year alone, and wildlife officials are urging people to share reports of the invasive, 2.5-foot-long rodents as recent sightings caught on camera show they’ve spread to Contra Costa County, posing a risk to a critical watershed.
Bamboo Can Invade Your House (core77.com)
Tumbleweeds: The fastest plant invasion in the USA's history (nhm.ac.uk)
The dual nature of Japanese Knotweed (worldsensorium.com)
The hornet has landed: Scientists combat new honeybee killer in US (knowablemagazine.org)
Feral goldfish are threatening the Great Lakes ecosystem [video] (pbs.org)