Hacker News with Generative AI: Hardware Hacking

Hacking the Yamaha DX9 to Turn It into a DX7 (2023) (ajxs.me)
Like many vintage synth enthusiasts, I keep a keen eye on the local classified sites for the odd bargain that might pop up.
JTAG 'Hacking' the Original Xbox in 2023 (ret2.io)
Released in November 2001, the original Xbox was Microsoft’s first venture into the game console industry. With its hardware closely resembling a cheap but versatile PC of the early 2000s, the device came under the immediate scrutiny of technical hobbyists looking to run ‘homebrew’ code and alternative operating systems on it.
JTAG 'Hacking' the Original Xbox in 2023 (ret2.io)
Released in November 2001, the original Xbox was Microsoft’s first venture into the game console industry. With its hardware closely resembling a cheap but versatile PC of the early 2000s, the device came under the immediate scrutiny of technical hobbyists looking to run ‘homebrew’ code and alternative operating systems on it.
I created an open-source Hardware Hacking Wiki – with tutorials for beginners (hardbreak.wiki)
The goal of HardBreak (https://www.hardbreak.wiki/) is to collect knowledge about Hardware Hacking / IoT hacking in one place.
Show HN: We open-sourced our compost monitoring tech (github.com/gtls64)
Welcome to the Monty Home Device Hacking Guide repository! This guide provides step-by-step instructions for extending the functionality of the Monty Home BLE device using a Raspberry Pi.
Spotify Bricked the Car Thing, So I Hacked Mine [video] (youtube.com)
Ask HN: Tips for hacking a TV? (ycombinator.com)
I've got a spare television lying around (specifically, a Samsung UN24H4500), and I thought it'd be fun to take a crack at seeing what I can do with it. The only hitch is that I've never really done any hardware hacking before, so I don't really know where to start!
Man-in-the-Middle PCB Unlocks HP Ink Cartridges (hackaday.com)
It’s a well-known secret that inkjet ink is being kept at artificially high prices, which is why many opt to forego ‘genuine’ manufacturer cartridges and get third-party ones instead.
Displaying RTSP stream on a jailbroken Kindle Paperwhite (cri.dev)
As crazy/stupid as it sounds, I did it.
Jailbroke my Kindle to use it as an e-ink monitor (github.com)
Modchipping a Fridge (kennedn.com)
Introduction to Hardware Hacking with a Raspberry Pi (voidstarsec.com)
Superbird-bulkcmd: Spotify Car Thing resources to access U-Boot shell over USB (github.com/frederic)
Using AirPods as a Morse Transmitter (github.com/EtherDream)
Relatively Universal ROM Programmer Makes Retro Tech Hacking Accessible (hackaday.com)