Hacker News with Generative AI: Green Technology

Device uses wind to create ammonia out of air (ieee.org)
Lots of green energy experiments in the lab publish impressive results—but what’s more impressive is when those results come from an actual on-site pilot demonstration in the real world. That’s the case with new research that is able to generate ammonia out of thin air, without requiring an external power source.
OpenERV (openerv.ca)
The TW4 decentralized Energy Recovery Ventilator transfers clean outdoor air inside and moves polluted air outdoors, while harvesting ~90% of the heat energy - so you get fresh air without the downsides of heating or cooling it.
Plug Power Failure Part I: Critical DOE Loan at Risk Due to False Water Data (hntrbrk.com)
Plug Power Inc. (NASDAQ: $PLUG) understated the water usage of its hydrogen plants, reporting figures almost eight times lower than actual levels, according to a Hunterbrook Media review of groundwater withdrawal permits, permit applications, and purchase agreements.
The Battery Revolution Is Finally Here (insideevs.com)
Electric vehicles are advancing at an incredible pace, but we’re very much still in the early days.
My solar-powered and self-hosted website (dri.es)
I'm excited to share an experiment I've been working on: a solar-powered, self-hosted website running on a Raspberry Pi. The website at https://solar.dri.es is powered entirely by a solar panel and battery on our roof deck in Boston.
Low-carbon ammonia offers alternative for agriculture and hydrogen transport (techxplore.com)
A new way of making ammonia, by harnessing the unique power of liquid metal, could lead to significant cuts in carbon emissions caused by production of the widely-used chemical.
Green tech startup with no climate experience secured millions in gov contracts (propublica.org)
General Galactic emerges from stealth to make methane from carbon dioxide (techcrunch.com)