Hacker News with Generative AI: Solar Power

How Europe is funding its solar boom (dw.com)
The EU has doubled its solar capacity in the last three years. How have subsidies made this possible, what support is still available, and what still needs to happen?
Balcony solar is taking off (theguardian.com)
“If 1.5 million Germans have bought solar balcony kits there must be something in it,” he says.
Nevada Ivanpah Solar Plant Accidentally Incinerates Up to 6k Birds a Year (2016) (sciencealert.com)
A rare and unusual type of solar power plant that concentrates sunlight in California is accidentally killing up to 6,000 birds every year, with staff reporting that the birds keep flying into its concentrated beams of sunlight, and spontaneously bursting into flames.
Giant Solar Farm in Mojave Desert Could Close Just a Decade After Opening (ibtimes.com)
A California utility wants to end its agreement to buy power from a giant solar farm in the Mojave Desert because it found cheaper alternative clean energy sources, a move that will sound the death knell to what was once the world's largest solar plant, according to reports.
China installed a record capacity of solar and wind in 2024 – in numbers (electrek.co)
China saw monumental solar and wind growth in 2024, according to data released today by its National Energy Administration (NEA).
China plans to build 'Three Gorges dam in space' to harness solar power (scmp.com)
A senior Chinese scientist has revealed an ambitious plan to use super heavy rockets to build solar power stations in space, calling it “another Three Gorges Dam project above the Earth”.
Germans turn to balcony solar panels to save money (france24.com)
Berlin (AFP) – As snowflakes gently settled on his balcony solar panels on a cold winter's day, Berliner Jens Sax checked his smartphone to see how much electricity they were generating.
How balcony solar is taking off (theguardian.com)
“If 1.5 million Germans have bought solar balcony kits there must be something in it,” he says.
Get a solar panel for your balcony now (stapelberg.ch)
A year ago, I got a solar panel for my balcony — an easy way to vote with your wallet to convert more of the world’s energy usage to solar power. That was a great decision and I would recommend everyone get a solar panel (or two)!
Australia Struggling with Oversupply of Solar Power (abc.net.au)
Amid the growing warmth and increasingly volatile weather of an approaching summer, Australia passed a remarkable milestone this week.
Cheap solar panels are changing the world (theatlantic.com)
“This is unstoppable.”
China Adds 160 Gigawatts in First 3 Quarters of 2024 (cleantechnica.com)
It’s truly impossible to comprehend the scale of solar power deployment in China these days. When I saw how much solar power China had installed in the first 9 months of the year, I thought I must be reading something wrong. I checked a few times. But, indeed, China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) reports that a shocking 160 gigawatts (GW) of new solar power capacity were added in the first three quarters of the year. 160 GW.
China Adds 160 Gigawatts in First 3 Quarters of 2024 – CleanTechnica (cleantechnica.com)
It’s truly impossible to comprehend the scale of solar power deployment in China these days. When I saw how much solar power China had installed in the first 9 months of the year, I thought I must be reading something wrong. I checked a few times. But, indeed, China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) reports that a shocking 160 gigawatts (GW) of new solar power capacity were added in the first three quarters of the year. 160 GW.
All the electricity you'll need for 40 years (innerpathing.com)
We (well, my partner Jesse) bought a pallet of solar panels. Guaranteed to still have 90% of their capacity in 40 years1, they’ll cover all our household energy needs—powering our kitchen, heating our water, charging our electric car2—for the rest of our lives.
Cheap Solar Panels Are Changing the World (theatlantic.com)
“This is unstoppable.”
My solar-powered and self-hosted website (dri.es)
I'm excited to share an experiment I've been working on: a solar-powered, self-hosted website running on a Raspberry Pi. The website at https://solar.dri.es is powered entirely by a solar panel and battery on our roof deck in Boston.
Germany outfitted half a million balconies with solar panels (grist.org)
Matthias Weyland loves having people ask about his balcony. A pair of solar panels hang from the railing, casting a sheen of dark blue against the red brick of his apartment building. They’re connected to a microinverter plugged into a wall outlet and feed electricity directly into his home. On a sunny day, he’ll produce enough power to supply up to half of his family’s daily needs.
Enel is deploying 6k sheep to 8 Texas solar farms (electrek.co)
Australia to build the largest solar power plant (news.az)
Why you should stop using your solar-powered power bank (zdnet.com)
Ask HN: What are some good longform newsletters about solar power? (ycombinator.com)
Italy's Sun Motorway (2021) (domusweb.it)
High-altitude floating PV has energy payback time of 2.8 years (pv-magazine.com)
China Building Twice as Much Wind and Solar as Rest of World Combined (e360.yale.edu)
Another Win for Solar Power Windows, Another Headache for Fossil Fuels (cleantechnica.com)
Solar Power's Giants Are Providing More Energy Than Big Oil (bloomberg.com)
US hits 180 GW of solar power (freethink.com)
The largest solar farm just came online in China (electrek.co)
Germany solar power output jumps to record highs (reuters.com)
Solar power is changing life deep in the Amazon (washingtonpost.com)